Sports Betting s Biggest Scandals
Sports betting is a global multibillion-dollar industry that has significantly grown in popularity over the years. It allows fans to feel more involved in their favorite games by placing bets on outcomes. While it provides a thrill and Sports Betting often harmless fun, the world of sports betting also has a darker side, Sports Betting filled with corruption, Sports Betting match-fixing, and scandal. This article will dive into some of the biggest sports betting scandals that have rocked the world over the years.
The Black Sox Scandal of 1919 Perhaps one of the most infamous sports betting scandals in history, the Black Sox scandal occurred during the 1919 World Series. Eight players from the Chicago White Sox allegedly conspired with gamblers to intentionally lose the Series against the Cincinnati Reds. The scandal came to light when a number of bookies noticed unusually high bets being placed on the Reds.