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Salary according to qualifications and experience with a minimum to com- mence at the rate of ₤ 780 per year. Applications close on 28th November, 1949, and ought to ho forwarded to the Admiral Superintendent, Yard Island. Consultation will rely on an ideal pass having lscen acquired at the Inter- medióte Ccrtlflcate Assessment. Area, Drawing Office, Sydney Technical University. caroma peak 1200w electric scooters with seat for adults gwioral knowledge of delivery regimen. Customs Residence procedure, com- stacking access, etc.
It has trav- elled specifically 70,000 miles. Would ault Inxl or work with auto. Excellent income and conditions, with op- portunity for innovation. RpYPISTE TELEPHONIST aged 13 X years ₤ 4 per week commencing income Hours 8 JO a m to 4 JO p m No faaturday work Apply No 19256. Lor clerical work. Percentage ot keying.
Not essc-tlal. Ex, chances lor ideal applicants. Flvp-dev week. Apply Manager.
K DD Comfort to Car. Hoods, Side _ Drapes. Shed Covers, all Trlm Ing Repair works Trode catered for.
No Saturday, Working all-natural light. Moran and Cato (N.S.W.) Pty. Ltd., 122 Cleveland St, Chippendale, 5 minutes Elegance Bro"., or Redfern Station. Motorist'" licence "n advertisement vonlage Excellent leads for intense lod.
. Pty., 380 Kent St. MA8336. " VOUTH wanted for modem furniture X foctoiy, concerning l8 years. Flist ra'e salaries and conditions ond bonus. FARES AND TRAVELLING EX LOVER- PENSES' A relund of superior travel- ling expenses for appointee and wife will certainly be mode after three months' satisfactory service. Appointee will be entitled to claim a reimbursement not surpassing ₤ 75 therefore transport or furnishings and results to Tasmania, on production of receipted coupons.
Ply Emplosmcnt Police Officer. Reynolds Street. SALARY RANOE tho once a week equivalent of ₤ 590, proceeding by yearly incre- ments to ₤ 086 per year.